Welcone to Central and Western District again.Here we are SOHO.
Why it is named as Soho? Is it related to london soho?

答案是有關係的,有網站指蘇豪這個名稱其實取源於英國倫敦的蘇豪區,因為它們性質類似。另外也有一個說法,就是蘇豪是以地理位置和街名而成,蘇豪區位於荷李活道南部(South of Hollywood Road),所以經常活躍於當地的外籍人士特意從地理中抽出「So」及「Ho」而得名。
Maybe it is really related to London Soho because the two district have the same nature. Besides that, there are another reason behind the name, which is the geographic location and the name of the streets. SOHO is located in South of Hollywood, so it is named by the foreigner as Soho.
對SOHO的夜生活很好奇嗎? 以下的片段會引起你興趣嗎?
Interested in the night life in SoHo? Watch the following video~ Let's come and play together!