假如大家有看過前幾篇的博客,不難發現中上環除了商業大廈,還有很多特色的街道。這些街道正表現了香港中西匯萃的特色。 這一次SPD4459 的同學就會為大家帶來一處別具特色的街道- 摩羅街。
If you have seen our blog before, it is not difficult to find that there are many special streets besides commercial buildings. These street show the charateristic of Hong Kong, which combined Chinese and Western Cultures. This time SPD4459 students will show you a distinctive street - Upper Lascar Row
The name of Lascar Row is concerned with the Indian. Lascar was Arabic and Persian, originally referred to the soldiers and guard. Since Lascar Row was a place that gathered a lot of indians, it used the name "Ladcar"