香港中西區影相好去處 - 如果你在煩惱這個週末的活動,不如拿起相機,跟我們走遍中西區,按下快門,留下珍貴的一刻吧!

Recommended destinations for photo taking in HK Central&Western---- If you are planning activities for this weekend, we suggest you to follow us with your camera to keep the memorable moment together.

*這網誌是由一班讀 SPD4459 INTERNET MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS A02B Group 14的學生建立的。網誌內容和相片全為學習之用,如有版權之問題,歡迎通知我們並會立即作出修改,謝謝。

This blog is in-charged by a group of SPD4459 Internet Marketing Public Relations A02B Group 14 student. All the content and photos are only for academic use. If copyright problems are existed, please feel free to contact us.

顯示具有 Hollywood street 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 Hollywood street 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2014年10月28日 星期二

SPD4459 - Destination 17 - 【中環 Central】中環蘇豪區 SOHO


Welcone to Central and Western District again.Here we are SOHO.
Why it is named as Soho? Is it related to london soho?

答案是有關係的,有網站指蘇豪這個名稱其實取源於英國倫敦的蘇豪區,因為它們性質類似。另外也有一個說法,就是蘇豪是以地理位置和街名而成,蘇豪區位於荷李活道南部(South of Hollywood Road),所以經常活躍於當地的外籍人士特意從地理中抽出「So」及「Ho」而得名。

Maybe it is really related to London Soho because the two district have the same nature. Besides that, there are another reason behind the name, which is the geographic location and the name of the streets. SOHO is located in South of Hollywood, so it is named by the foreigner as Soho.

對SOHO的夜生活很好奇嗎? 以下的片段會引起你興趣嗎?
Interested in the night life in SoHo? Watch the following video~ Let's come and play together!