香港中西區影相好去處 - 如果你在煩惱這個週末的活動,不如拿起相機,跟我們走遍中西區,按下快門,留下珍貴的一刻吧!

Recommended destinations for photo taking in HK Central&Western---- If you are planning activities for this weekend, we suggest you to follow us with your camera to keep the memorable moment together.

*這網誌是由一班讀 SPD4459 INTERNET MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS A02B Group 14的學生建立的。網誌內容和相片全為學習之用,如有版權之問題,歡迎通知我們並會立即作出修改,謝謝。

This blog is in-charged by a group of SPD4459 Internet Marketing Public Relations A02B Group 14 student. All the content and photos are only for academic use. If copyright problems are existed, please feel free to contact us.

顯示具有 中西區 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 中西區 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2014年11月12日 星期三

SPD4459 - Destination 21 【中環Central】中環夜景 Central Night View

SPD4459的同學近期忙著溫習和做功課, 所以沒能更新為大家介紹新地方, 真的十分抱歉。
這次我們搞搞新意, 就不指定介紹中環區的某一個地方, 改為推介一下中西環區的夜景吧!

Hello, everyone! It is because we are busying on  projects and examinations, we cannot update our blog regularly. We want to apologize for this.
SPD4459 students are not going to introduce you a specific place in Central this time.
However, we will recommend Central Night View to you this time!

很多遊客來香港都是為了一暏它的夜景! 究竟有什麼吸引呢?
Many tourists come to HK due to its famous night view! Why is it so attractive?
You may find the answer after watching the following photos!

Do the above photos arouse your interest in photo taking in Central?

我發覺其實 在晚上拍片也很有感覺的!你也不妨試試看~
I discovered that it is quite funny to take videos in the night time! You may also try it next time~

2014年11月1日 星期六

SPD4459 - Destination 19 - 【中環 Central】中環碼頭 Central Ferry Pier +摩天輪 Hong Kong Observation Wheel

提到香港的碼頭,不得不提中環碼頭。這次讓我們SPD 4459的同學們介紹中環碼頭吧!

The Ferry Piers in Hong Kong, you will naturally think of Central Ferry Pier. So, let the students of SPD 4459 to introduce it to all of you!


The full name of Central Pier is Central Ferry Pier. It is located at the outside of the Hong Kong International Financial Center and the main ferry pier for citizens and tourists travel between Outlying Islands and Victoria Harbour. Through reclamation and revitalization, it combines the functions of Central Government Pier, Blake Pier, Vehicular Central Pier, City Hall Pier, Edinburgh Place Pier and Queen’s Pier to make most of the ferry services focus in here. Besides, the 3rd and 4th floor is to provide retail, catering and leisure services in this 5-story building.

中環碼頭合共有10個碼頭 There are 10 piers in Central Ferry Pier

中環碼頭現貌 Central Ferry Pier at present
中環碼頭舊貌 Old Central Ferry Pier
如果你想近距離的欣賞維多利亞港的夜景, 非常建議你在晚上乘坐小輪, 為什麼?
If you want to fully experience the Victoria Habour view in HK, I highly recommend you to get on the ferry at nigh!
Why? I bet the following video can tell you the answer~


Recently, Swiss AEX Holding Limited construct a Ferris wheel in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Observation Wheel’s height is 60m and the largest Ferris wheel in Hong Kong. It is located at Central and Western District Promenade for citizens and tourists to use in October 2014.

香港中環摩天輪設置42個可載8人的車廂,全程1520 分鐘。
The Hong Kong Observation Wheel has 42 bus compartments which can carry 8 people each. The whole journey is 15 to 20 minutes.


TransportationMTR Hong Kong Station, Exit A2 or MTR Central Station Exit A. Walk to the pier along Man Yiu Street for 10-15 minutes.


Posted by SPD 4459 student, Roberta Lau.

2014年10月28日 星期二

SPD4459 - Destination 17 - 【中環 Central】中環蘇豪區 SOHO


Welcone to Central and Western District again.Here we are SOHO.
Why it is named as Soho? Is it related to london soho?

答案是有關係的,有網站指蘇豪這個名稱其實取源於英國倫敦的蘇豪區,因為它們性質類似。另外也有一個說法,就是蘇豪是以地理位置和街名而成,蘇豪區位於荷李活道南部(South of Hollywood Road),所以經常活躍於當地的外籍人士特意從地理中抽出「So」及「Ho」而得名。

Maybe it is really related to London Soho because the two district have the same nature. Besides that, there are another reason behind the name, which is the geographic location and the name of the streets. SOHO is located in South of Hollywood, so it is named by the foreigner as Soho.

對SOHO的夜生活很好奇嗎? 以下的片段會引起你興趣嗎?
Interested in the night life in SoHo? Watch the following video~ Let's come and play together!

2014年10月26日 星期日

SPD4459 - Destination 16 - 【中環 Central】舊最高法院大樓 Old Supreme Court Building

這一次SPD4459 的同學又去了那裡拍照呢?就是舊最高法院大樓了!
Where did SPD4459 students go and take pictures this week? It is the Old Supreme Court Building!
The building was built in 1912, and it has been here for 102 years already! Such a historic building, of course, was designated as a monument of Hong Kong.  

Central and Western district is Hong Kong's political and economic center. It combined the new and old buildings. From the picture, we can see that there are skyscraper behind the Old Supreme Building.
The building located in the core part of Hong Kong, people can easily reach this beautiful place.

2014年10月23日 星期四

SPD4459 Destination 14 - [中環 Central ] 煤氣燈街 與 懷舊星巴克冰室 Starbucks "BING SUTT" in Duddell Street

這次SPD4459 的同學為你介紹中環另一個拍照好地方!
SPD4459 is now going to recommend you are amazing place in Central and Western District for photo taking!
Let's go to Duddell Street, which located in Queen's Road Central.

這條石階相信是在英國殖民地時所建的, 歷史悠久,因此已被刊為香港法定古蹟。

There is another name for Duddell Street, which is called "Gas Lamp Street"!
It is a small street that stretches Ice House Street.
You may notice four gas lights along the balustrades' side. There are the last four lights in Hong Kong!
It is believed that Duddell Street Steps was built in the early days of British colony.
This architecture with long history was the object of historical interest.


At that time, gas lamps were commonly use in HK.
With the growth of technology, they were replaced by electrical  lamps.
Fortunately, these four gas lamps can be conserved and still function well in every night.
It operates at 6pm till 6am automatically instead of switching on and off by staff.


Duddell Street is one of the romantic places in HK. The atmosphere is the best at night!
Many TV dramas and movies shooting would like to occur here too.


After walking for a long time, I highly recommend you to take a nap in the Starbucks  "BING SUTT" which just next to Duddell Street.
The theme of this Starbucks is specially designed. There is a  "BING SUTT" corner!
"BING SUTT" is the name of HK style coffee shop. It is very popular in 50s - 70s.
If you are the young generation or tourists, I suggest you to pay a visit in order to experience the atmosphere of old HK.

 星巴克特地與本港品牌 《住好啲》 合作,室內的設計及擺設都彷照以往的冰室,全球只此一間。
To build this "BING SUTT", Starbucks collaborated with local brand "G.O.D" who supported the interior design and decorations. I can say this is one of a kind!


Local HK snacks and food, such as  Rustic Bun with Thick Cut Butter, Coffee Egg Tart, Coffee Cocktail Bun, etc. can be found in this Starbucks!



2014年10月20日 星期一

SPD4459 Destination 13 - [金鐘 Admiralty] 香港公園 Hong Kong Park

It there a green paradise under the concrete jungle in Hong Kong? Let the student of spd4459 guide you to find out the Urban Oasis. Hong Kong Park is a famous tourist spot in Hong Kong which located in Admiralty. Also, it is a hot spot point of Photography. There are lot of amateur photographer to record the best moment in the park.

2014年10月14日 星期二

SPD4459 Destination 10- [中環Central] 皇后像廣場 Statue Square


Statue Square is one of the famous park in Hong Kong. It is located in Central and nearby the MTR station. In every Sunday, lots of foreigner, especially the Philipinos will gather there to meet friends and take a rest. The Statue Square have the fountains, gazebos and landscaping facilities. It seems to be the oasis in the business center in Hong Kong.

2014年10月13日 星期一

SPD4459 - Destination 9 - 【上環 Sheung Wan】摩羅上街 Upper Lascar Row


假如大家有看過前幾篇的博客,不難發現中上環除了商業大廈,還有很多特色的街道。這些街道正表現了香港中西匯萃的特色。 這一次SPD4459 的同學就會為大家帶來一處別具特色的街道- 摩羅街。
If you have seen our blog before, it is not difficult to find that there are many special streets besides commercial buildings. These street show the charateristic of Hong Kong, which combined Chinese and Western Cultures. This time SPD4459 students will show you a distinctive street - Upper Lascar Row

The name of Lascar Row is concerned with the Indian. Lascar was Arabic and Persian, originally referred to the soldiers and guard. Since Lascar Row was a place that gathered a lot of indians, it used the name "Ladcar"

2014年10月9日 星期四

SPD4459 - Destination 8 – [山頂 The Peak] 香港杜莎夫人蠟像館 Madame Tussauds Hong Kong

Remember the last few blog that we can take The Peak tram to The Peak from Central?
Apart from the night view, The Peak is also famous for the Madame Tussauds Hong Kong!!
Never heard of it? Keep watching!


The first  Madame Tussauds located in London,r UK. It shows world famous people's wax man figures in the museum.
In 2000, Madame Tussauds established its first Asia chain of wax museums in Hong Kong.
The house shows nearly 100 wax figures pf internationally know personals, including Chines politicians(e.g. Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping), athletes(e.g. Yao Ming, David Beckham),etc. And of course, lots of HK Glamours(e.g. Leslie Cheung, Andy Lau)!

只要在2015年1月31日前,在生日當天或前後天到香港杜莎夫人蠟像館就可以免費入場了! 而同行的三位家人或朋友也可以以半價入場! 不錯吧?

In fact, I think the entrance fee is quite expensive. Here is a method that can enter the Madame Tussauds Hong Kong for free! However, it is only for HK residents.
On your birthday or the day before or after birthday, you can visit the Madame Tussauds Hong Kong for free before 31st Jan 2015! Besides, maximum three of your family members or friends can enjoy a 50% off on their admission tickets. Sounds great, right?
Free entrance on birthday =]

Apart from Jackie Chan's, Obama's and Xi Jinping's wax figure, others are free to take photos.
Taking photos with lots of super stars and historical heroes are unforgettable!
I really love Madame Tussauds Hong Kong!

2014年10月8日 星期三

SPD4459 - Destination 7 - 【中環 Central】Hollywood Road

SPD 4459 同學仔又出動了!
今次帶大家再次來到中環, 走入中環的荷里活道。

SPD 4459 students say hello to you again.
This time, we are going to bring you to  another destination which is located in Central. It is called "Hollywood Rood".

它的名字與美國的荷里活電影無關,只是與早年那一帶種滿冬青樹(HOLLYWOOD) 的特色而命名,但同時亦深具香港中西文化合璧的特色。

Hollywood Road is the first street that developed by the government after the Hong Kong opened for business trade. The origin of the name is not related to the USA Hollywood film.
It comes from its history that many banians were planted on the road - "Hollywood".


Hollywood Road witness the early period of British ruling Hong Kong.
The former police headquarter was nearby there and had been converted into PMQ which the HKSAR government recognized as one of the major tourist attractions in Hong Kong in 2014.
However, there are still conserving the color of colonial era.
Hollywood Road is now so famous for its murals among  Hong Kong teenagers.
Therefore, some travelers even named Hollywood Road and the Western and Central District as " The Destination of Hong Kong Culture and Creativity Manner".

最為人熟悉的必然是這幅以藍色作為主調,配合香港五、六十年代建築特色的房屋影像。最近於社交網站上,大受年青人歡迎,很多人特意走到中環拍下這顏色鮮艷奪目的巾景作為頭象。 不妨擺出不同的姿態及尋找屬於自己感覺的拍攝角度! 

The most popular view is the below one, which uses blue as the main color tone.
Housing estate which was  the style of Hong Kong in 1950s to 1960s was drawn.
Many people go there and take a snapshot of it and use it as the colorful icon on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

2014年10月6日 星期一

SPD4459 - Destination 6 - 【上環 Sheung Wan】Western Market 西港城

The song of the tram, Ding Ding”, brings me into the music of memory when I walk in the Sheung Wan. Besides, the Western Market which located at Des Voeux Road Central  had caught my eyes.
The red brick building is the witness of the development of this old district for over a century. Western Market becomes the unique snapshot and represents the art of colonizing because of its Edwardian-style building, red brick exterior and handsome granite arch over its entrance.

拱型大窗台及典雅的百葉窗廉an elegant venation window with the central round headed arch openings

2014年10月4日 星期六

SPD4459 - Destination 5 - 【上環 Sheung Wan】上環 Poho區 Sheung Wan Poho

Walking into an old urban area which is full of traditional atmosphere and avant-garde design, you feel like arriving in different countries when going uphill.  And, it is Sheung Wan’s Poho.

The name of Sheung Wan’s Poho was given by the artists and designers from Hong Kong; it is located around Square Street, Tai Ping Shan Street, Po Hing Fong and Pound Lane. Someone even called it as the small community of Tai Ping Shan Street. All the walls in there became the canvas of graffiti amateurs.

為何這舊區會滿佈塗鴉呢?HKWalls發起人正正看中了它的牆壁,把它變成了充滿著街頭藝術的地方。透過由本地居民捐牆的活動,使巷裏的牆壁變得美麗,以配合他們的宣言—"We need walls. You need art."
Why is the graffiti all around in this old urban area? HKWalls’ initiators were attracted by the walls and wanted street art and graffiti takeover the walls of Hong Kong.  To let the walls turned into revitalized, their aims “We need walls. You need art.” can be achieved through donating walls by the residents in Sheung Wan.

2014年9月30日 星期二

SPD4459 - Destination 3 - [中環 Central] 國際金融中心商場 IFC Mall


If there is the survey about the most fashionable shopping mall in Hong Kong, I believe that one of it will be the IFC Mall (Destination 3).
IFC Mall is located in 8 Finance Street, Central, which is the busiest business center in Hong Kong. It is nearby the Tower one &two IFC and Four Seasons Hotel.
Steeped in this business area, there is still a place providing a set of entertainment, leisure and shopping destination for the public.


IFC Mall is divided into Tower one and two. Designed by the Argentine American architect, CesarPelli, the design was also considered environmentally friendly elements and choosing the full height glass panel in order to make use of natural light.
Besides that, IFC Mall also placed different designer artworks inside the shopping mall, which aims to build a comfortable shopping environment to the visitors.

2014年9月28日 星期日

SPD4459 - Destination 2 - 【上環 Sheung Wan】PMQ 元創方

元創方是位於中環鴨巴甸街,是香港其中一個極標具標志性的創意中心,為香港新生代的創意藝術注入活力。其實,元創方前身為中央書院,後因二次世界大戰受到破壞,於是在1951 年改成已婚警察宿舍,並在2000年起空置。元創方是其中一個香港活化古蹟的例子,而且被古物古蹟辦事處評定為三級歷史建築。

PMQ is located in Aberdeen Street, Central. It is one of the iconic creative centre that allows different artists and designers to create and exhibit their work.

In fact, PMQ was formerly known as Central School. However, due to the destruction of World War II, it rebuilt as Police Married Quarters in 1951 and vacant in 2000. AMO has been assessed PMQ for the three historic buildings. 


PMQ aims to promote arts and creativity.It organizes various exhibitions, workshops and creative market regularly. Also, as PMQ was the police quarters, the whole building divided into different rooms. These rooms allow artists and designers from different places set up their own shops and studios. 

If you like something different, PMQ can definitely satisfy you needs! The shops here provides products and art piece with unique designs.

2014年9月26日 星期五

SPD4459 - Destination 1 - [上環Sheung Wan] 石板街 Stone Slab Street

「 石板街」的正名其實是「砵典乍街」,以香港首任總督 砵典乍 命名。

In fact, the official name of Stone Slab Street is Pottinger Street which was named after the first Governor of HK -Henry Pottinger.
It is on the slope between Queen's Road Central and  Hollywood Road.
Due to its steepness, the Government decided to use stone slabs to pave the road. Therefore, the locals also named it Stone Slab Street.
You may curious about the the unevenly paved road design. In fact, it is aimed to facilitate walking and allow rainwater to flow down along the two sides.
If you come here next time, let take some time to admire this unique design!
It is unbelievable that the unevenly paved road has a meaningful function!

「 石板街」可說是遊客必到的景點之一,不少國外朋友來旅遊時都央著要我帶他們去一趟。

It is not exaggerated to said that Stone Slab Street was a must go place in HK. 
Many foreigner friends always ask me to bring them there.
It is undoubted that itt is full of old HK characteristic which let you feel the 60s of HK.
No matter which angle you took, you can easily get a masterpiece by simply pressing the shutter button!
Funny, right?
I believe that because of the above reason that makes many famous movie(e.g. "Bodyguards and Assassins", "Infernal Affairs","Lust, Caution", etc), music video and TV drama shootings took place here.