香港中西區影相好去處 - 如果你在煩惱這個週末的活動,不如拿起相機,跟我們走遍中西區,按下快門,留下珍貴的一刻吧!

Recommended destinations for photo taking in HK Central&Western---- If you are planning activities for this weekend, we suggest you to follow us with your camera to keep the memorable moment together.

*這網誌是由一班讀 SPD4459 INTERNET MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS A02B Group 14的學生建立的。網誌內容和相片全為學習之用,如有版權之問題,歡迎通知我們並會立即作出修改,謝謝。

This blog is in-charged by a group of SPD4459 Internet Marketing Public Relations A02B Group 14 student. All the content and photos are only for academic use. If copyright problems are existed, please feel free to contact us.

2014年10月24日 星期五

SPD4459 - Destination 15 - 【上環 Sheung Wanl】城皇街 Shing Wong Street


城皇街,是一條位於香港島上環的一條山坡路,很多人只留意到它是一條普通的樓梯街, 經它由半山堅道向下走到歌賦街。 SPD4459 的同學眼中,這是我們推薦的影相好地方。

Shing Wong Street is a street on the hill slope in Sheung Wan of Hong Kong Island. Many people just seems that it is just a normal street with lots of stairs, and pass through it everyday from Gough street to Caine Road. However, from SPD4459 students' eyes, it is a excellent place and destinations for taking snapshot there.

2014年10月23日 星期四

SPD4459 Destination 14 - [中環 Central ] 煤氣燈街 與 懷舊星巴克冰室 Starbucks "BING SUTT" in Duddell Street

這次SPD4459 的同學為你介紹中環另一個拍照好地方!
SPD4459 is now going to recommend you are amazing place in Central and Western District for photo taking!
Let's go to Duddell Street, which located in Queen's Road Central.

這條石階相信是在英國殖民地時所建的, 歷史悠久,因此已被刊為香港法定古蹟。

There is another name for Duddell Street, which is called "Gas Lamp Street"!
It is a small street that stretches Ice House Street.
You may notice four gas lights along the balustrades' side. There are the last four lights in Hong Kong!
It is believed that Duddell Street Steps was built in the early days of British colony.
This architecture with long history was the object of historical interest.


At that time, gas lamps were commonly use in HK.
With the growth of technology, they were replaced by electrical  lamps.
Fortunately, these four gas lamps can be conserved and still function well in every night.
It operates at 6pm till 6am automatically instead of switching on and off by staff.


Duddell Street is one of the romantic places in HK. The atmosphere is the best at night!
Many TV dramas and movies shooting would like to occur here too.


After walking for a long time, I highly recommend you to take a nap in the Starbucks  "BING SUTT" which just next to Duddell Street.
The theme of this Starbucks is specially designed. There is a  "BING SUTT" corner!
"BING SUTT" is the name of HK style coffee shop. It is very popular in 50s - 70s.
If you are the young generation or tourists, I suggest you to pay a visit in order to experience the atmosphere of old HK.

 星巴克特地與本港品牌 《住好啲》 合作,室內的設計及擺設都彷照以往的冰室,全球只此一間。
To build this "BING SUTT", Starbucks collaborated with local brand "G.O.D" who supported the interior design and decorations. I can say this is one of a kind!


Local HK snacks and food, such as  Rustic Bun with Thick Cut Butter, Coffee Egg Tart, Coffee Cocktail Bun, etc. can be found in this Starbucks!



2014年10月20日 星期一

SPD4459 Destination 13 - [金鐘 Admiralty] 香港公園 Hong Kong Park

It there a green paradise under the concrete jungle in Hong Kong? Let the student of spd4459 guide you to find out the Urban Oasis. Hong Kong Park is a famous tourist spot in Hong Kong which located in Admiralty. Also, it is a hot spot point of Photography. There are lot of amateur photographer to record the best moment in the park.

2014年10月18日 星期六

SPD4459 - Destination 12 - 【西環 Sai Wan】Sai Wan Instagram Pier 西環碼頭 + Sai Wan Swimming Shed 西環泳棚

若說香港的日落,你會想到哪個地方呢?下白泥?山頂?香港國際機場?現在就讓SPD 4459的學生們介紹兩個你意想不到可以看日落的地方,而它們是西環碼頭和西環泳棚。
If talking about sunset in Hong Kong, which place will you recall?  Ha Pak Nai? The Peak? Or Hong Kong International Airport? So, Let students of SPD 4459 introduce two wonderful places for you to enjoy sunset. They are Sai Wan Instagram Pier and Sai Wan Swimming Shed.

2014年10月16日 星期四

SPD4459 Destination 11- [上環Sheung Wan] 中山紀念公園 Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park


Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, which is originally named Western Park, is a waterfront park in the Sai Ying Pun area on Hong Kong Island and faces the Victoria Harbour. It is the first park in Hong Kong to be named after Dr Sun, a revolutionary pioneer in modern China.


The Park includes numerous facilities for people from all ages. They are Memorial Lawn, Sun Yat Sen Statue, Chime Tower, Children”s Play, Pai Lau, Viewing Deck, Fitness Corner for Elderly, Four Desperados Courtyard, Reflecting Pond Plaza and Pebble Walking Trail.

2014年10月14日 星期二

SPD4459 Destination 10- [中環Central] 皇后像廣場 Statue Square


Statue Square is one of the famous park in Hong Kong. It is located in Central and nearby the MTR station. In every Sunday, lots of foreigner, especially the Philipinos will gather there to meet friends and take a rest. The Statue Square have the fountains, gazebos and landscaping facilities. It seems to be the oasis in the business center in Hong Kong.

2014年10月13日 星期一

SPD4459 - Destination 9 - 【上環 Sheung Wan】摩羅上街 Upper Lascar Row


假如大家有看過前幾篇的博客,不難發現中上環除了商業大廈,還有很多特色的街道。這些街道正表現了香港中西匯萃的特色。 這一次SPD4459 的同學就會為大家帶來一處別具特色的街道- 摩羅街。
If you have seen our blog before, it is not difficult to find that there are many special streets besides commercial buildings. These street show the charateristic of Hong Kong, which combined Chinese and Western Cultures. This time SPD4459 students will show you a distinctive street - Upper Lascar Row

The name of Lascar Row is concerned with the Indian. Lascar was Arabic and Persian, originally referred to the soldiers and guard. Since Lascar Row was a place that gathered a lot of indians, it used the name "Ladcar"